

avocat au Conseil d'Etat et

à la Cour de cassation

Our team


Our team of experienced legal professionals works in all areas of law.

Built gradually over 14 years, our team now counts more than 15 highly qualified professionals (lawyers, law professors, holders of PhDs in law, etc.). The common denominator is that they all have significant experience beyond their work for the firm that broadens their perspective and keeps us up to date on innovations in legal theory and practice, as well as on the hot topics in today’s society.

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Guillaume Hannotin

French State Council and Court of Cassation lawyer

The founder of Hannotin Avocats, Guillaume works in multiple areas, from estate law and customs and tax law to competition and financial law.

Before graduating from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, he also enrolled at Université Panthéon-Assas, eventually specializing in business law and tax law (LLM in Business Law). He then worked in firms of supreme-court lawyers while also working in the lower courts, in particular in criminal cases, and teaching at the university.

Guillaume was admitted to practice before the French State Council and Court of Cassation in 2008, at the age of 31, and has developed a demanding practice in a firm of supreme-court lawyers. He has worked on several precedent-setting cases, representing, for example, L’Affaire du Siècle in the case brought by the municipality of Grande Synthe that resulted in a ruling that the Paris Agreement’s objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are mandatory (2021), and representing a victims’ association in one of several asbestos-related cases (2018). He has also worked on major cases that caused French law to evolve or were important due to their scope, such as Bricorama, a case about working on Sundays (2014-2015); Finaréa, about securing investments via life insurance in EMTNs, which the savers approved of (2017); and, more recently, in a case that led the Constitutional Council to abrogate the provision allowing the French Competition Authority to impose sanctions for obstruction of an investigation.

He created his firm in 2022 with a team of fifteen experienced professionals.


“L’affaire de la pollution de l’air devant le Conseil d’État”, No. 37, 13 September 2021, La Semaine juridique, Édition générale (JCP G) - LexisNexis “Les pouvoirs d’enquête et de contrôle de l’administration passés au crible du Conseil d’État”, No. 43-44, 25 October 2021, La Semaine juridique, Édition générale (JCP G) - LexisNexis “L’encadrement de l’open data des décisions de justice par le Conseil constitutionnel”, No.13, 1 April 2019, La Semaine juridique, Édition générale (JCP G) – LexisNexis

Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

Office Manager

Areas of expertise

Civil Procedure


BTS [2-year technical degree], Legal Assistant BTS, Organizational accounting and management

Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

Admitted to the Paris bar

Areas of expertise

Commercial law, insolvency proceedings, civil procedure


Certificate of qualification to be a lawyer (2023) Master 2, General Private Law

I work on a wide variety of cases at Hannotin Avocats, which allows me to increase my business-law expertise while acquiring expertise in new areas and improving the content of my university lectures.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats


Areas of expertise

Real estate law, insurance law, debtor-creditor law, insolvency proceedings


Master, Real Estate and Construction Law

I like this profession because it is intellectually satisfying and because each case offers a new challenge. I also enjoy the relationships I’ve built over the years with the other members of the firm and talking with them about law—and life!

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats


Areas of expertise

Urban planning and environmental law, public procurement law, civil service law, public labor law


Master 2, Environmental Law, Université de Limoges Judicial clerk, Court of Appeal of Versailles, 2006–2007


“Loi ASAP et urbanisme: ‘as soon as possible’”, AJCT 2021.70 “Prendre le harcèlement moral au sérieux en droit de la fonction publique”, Dr. soc. 2020.743 “Etre ou ne pas être (un pouvoir adjudicateur), telle est la question (posée au juge du référé précontractuel)”, AJDA 2016.56 “Retour sur une ancienne difficulté non résolue: les salariés protégés privés du droit d’accès au juge des référés”, Dr. soc. 2013.358 Mesures renforcées de protection de l’environnement et nomenclature ICPE”, LPA 15 October 2012, no. 206, p. 6

Working in a firm of supreme-court lawyers in general, and Hannotin Avocats in particular, means having the satisfaction of addressing every aspect of a case, marshaling all of the law’s resources and using the law to its full potential. Taking the applicable laws, regulations, and case law into account but not necessarily stopping there is our firm’s trademark.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law, Professor of Law at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Areas of expertise

International private law, international trade law, arbitration, procedural law, contracts, commercial law, intellectual property law


LLM, International Private and International Trade Law; PhD in law, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II).


Droit international privé, Dalloz, coll. Le cours, 2nd ed., 2020. Chronique trimestrielle de Contrats internationaux à la Revue des contrats (with M. Laazouzi and S. Bollée). “The Covid 19 Health Crisis and International Contracts”, Yearbook of Private International Law, 2021, p. 65 ff. “Successions internationales: le retour du droit de prélèvement?”, D. 2021.2012. “Publicité digitale: Quel juge? Quelle loi?”, Dalloz IP/IT 2021.436.

Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law

Areas of expertise

Economic regulation law, procedural law (civil, criminal, and administrative), contracts, and torts


PhD in Private Law and Criminal Science (Université Paris Nanterre) Master II in Fundamental Private Law (Université Paris Nanterre)


« Incompétence n’est pas défaut de pouvoir : leçon de procédure en terres de concurrence » (note ss. Cass. com., 18 oct. 2023), JCP E 2024/01 “Procédure de sanction consécutive à un refus de transiger avec le ministre: de la géométrie variable de la notion d’entreprise”, LEDICO, May 2023, no. 5, p. 5. “OVS: de la saisissabilité des éléments présents ou accessibles depuis les locaux visités”, LEDICO, Apr. 2023, no. 4, p. 6.

At Hannotin Avocats, “collaboration” really does mean “teamwork”: every case is worked on by a team so the client’s interests are sure to be staunchly defended and every aspect of their case will be carefully examined. Since I am responsible for procedural issues in particular, I bring my expertise to bear on highly varied issues that play a crucial role in the work of a supreme-court lawyer.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law, Professor of Private Law and Criminal Science

Areas of expertise

Criminal law, criminal procedure, white-collar-crime law, fundamental freedoms


Master 2, Criminal Law and Criminal Science, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (2008)


Coauthor of: “Un an de questions prioritaires de constitutionnalité en matière pénale”, a column in Droit Pénal The criminal procedure column in Revue Pénitentiaire et de Droit Pénal The criminal law column in Revue des Contrats “Commentaire des dispositions pénales de la loi n° 2021-1109 confortant le respect des principes de la République – Extension (excessive) du domaine (répressif) de la lutte (contre le “séparatisme”)”, Droit pénal, October 2021. “Sur la justification du principe d’autonomie du droit pénal”, Cahiers de Droit de l’Entreprise, July-August 2021. “Saisie spéciale d’un immeuble appartenant à une société placée en procédure de sauvegarde”, RPDP no. 2021-1.

In criminal cases, where the most basic rights are at stake, we must use every available means to reestablish the law where it has been flouted: petitions for review, priority preliminary rulings on constitutionality, petitions to the European Court of Human Rights, etc. Based on a holistic reading of each case, Hannotin Avocats offers clients “tailor-made” strategies.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law

Areas of expertise

Torts, corporate restructuring and insolvency, family property law


Master 2, General Private Law, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas


“La faute de la victime n’ayant pas causé le dommage”, Recueil Dalloz, forthcoming. “Les recours du Ministère public partie jointe en droit des entreprises en difficulté”, JCP E 2021/45 “L’identification de l’avantage matrimonial, analyse à partir de la jurisprudence récente”, LPA 2021/61, p. 7

Working at Hannotin Avocats gives me the opportunity to consider complex, varied topics. The particularity of Court of Cassation proceedings allows us to analyze novel legal issues in depth and to continuously update our approach.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law, Lawyer

Areas of expertise

Criminal law including white-collar crimes, violations of the law of 1881 on freedom of the press, criminal customs violations, criminal violations of environmental and urban planning law, criminal procedure, fundamental freedoms


Certificate of qualification for the Paris bar (2004) PhD, Private Law and Criminal Science (Paris II Panthéon-Assas) (2004) LLM, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Policy in Europe (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) (1997)


La fonction réparatrice de la répression pénale (LGDJ, Bibliothèque de sciences criminelles, 2007) Article 131-1 et 131-2 du Jurisclasseur Pénal Code

For me, practicing criminal law is a way to balance my work in the courtroom with my work advising big firms, including supreme-court lawyers. The many complex, high-stake cases assigned to me by Hannotin Avocats allow me to explore new legal avenues and constantly innovate. My two types of work enable me to look at each case with a fresh eye and a broad perspective.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law

Areas of expertise

Civil procedure, civil enforcement procedures, contracts and tort law, administrative litigation


PhD, Private Law and Criminal Science (Université Paris Nanterre). Dissertation topic: Concentration et procès civil [Concentration and Civil Litigation] (dir.: S. Amrani-Mekki). Master II, Fundamental Private Law (Université Paris Nanterre)


“Réflexions sur l’incitation au recours aux modes amiables de résolution des différends en matière civile”, RLDC, 1 October 2020, no. 185, p. 26 Médiation et entreprise. L’opportunité de l’autodétermination: une liberté créatrice de valeur, Le Club des juristes, March 2019 (co-author) “La réception du principe de concentration par les cours d’appel”, Gaz. Pal., 22 December 2015, no. 356, p. 5

Working at Hannotin Avocats means working with Guillaume Hannotin and his entire team. Rather than vertical collaboration, there is cooperation. It also means working directly with the firm’s clients and correspondents, so they have someone they can contact directly at all times. In short, when you work for Hannotin Avocats you don’t just write briefs, you help handle cases.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

Professor of Law and Lawyer

Areas of expertise

Civil law and business law


Books: Droit civil, 1ère année, 4th ed., Lextenso, 2021 Droit civil, coll. CRFPA, 5th ed., Lextenso 2021

Recent articles: “La propriété des données personnelles”, Dalloz, 2021 “Panorama de droit des contrats”, Recueil Dalloz, 2022

I work with Hannotin Avocats for two reasons: to make my modest but tangible contribution to producing law in the Court of Cassation, and to improve my teaching and research, because law is a practical discipline.

Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

PhD in law

Areas of expertise

Criminal and public procedural law, administrative and tax litigation, professional order proceedings, administrative law, civil service law, regional government law, fundamental rights and freedoms


PhD in law, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas


“Les actes de gouvernement, entre pouvoir discrétionnaire et interdiction de l’arbitraire” (note sous CEDH Gr. Ch., 14 Sep. 2022, petition no.24384/19), Droit administratif, LexisNexis, 2023, no.1, comm. 1, p. 27. “La résistance des actes de gouvernement face aux droits fondamentaux” (note sous CE ord., 25 August 2021, petition no.455744), Droit administratif, LexisNexis, 2021, no.12, comm. 47, p. 30-34. “La protection sociale des réservistes et déclin de la spécificité militaire”, Droit social, Dalloz, no. 12, 2021, p. 1023.

The Hannotin firm combines the subtlest technical arguments with the broadest legal principles to provide scrupulously precise, strategic support to all its clients, whether they are institutions, individuals, or economic actors. This highly unique feature is evident in its work in public as well as criminal and private law, in the State Council and Court of Cassation, and in the European courts.

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Avocat au cabinet Hannotin Avocats

Avocat à la Cour

Areas of expertise

Tax law and international law


Graduate of École normale supérieure and École nationale d'administration

I work at Hannotin Avocats because the firm combines excellence, solidarity, team-member complementarity, open mindedness and creativity.